Jan 30, 2023
Small business owners are faced with a myriad of decisions every day - and one of the most challenging decisions is how to price products and services. Is this price too low? Is this price too high? How do we know we’re getting what we’re worth?
Today’s guest is going to pull back the curtain on the mystery that...
Jan 23, 2023
Do you have an idea for a book that’s just itching to get put onto paper, but the whole process has you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start? Then this is the podcast episode you’ve been waiting for.
Our guest today is two-time author, business strategist, and public speaker Malene Bendsten, aka...
Jan 16, 2023
To say that Amazon has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success would be the understatement of the century. But it was no happy accident or cosmic fluke that took Jeff Bezos from boxing books in his garage to running a billion-dollar operation. It was hard work, a lot of failures, and a very specific set of...
Jan 9, 2023
A good entrepreneur is like a serial murderer; they just can’t stop. And our guest today is proving that point.
Meet Jonathan Zacks, Founder of Make It All Work and Co-Founder of GoReminders. He’s on the show to discuss how his two startups are helping small business owners find solutions to two very common...
Jan 2, 2023
Are some people born naturally creative, while the rest of us are just SOL?
Today’s podcast guest would argue that’s not entirely true.
Meet Robin Landa, a Distinguished Professor at Kean University, named one of the “great Teachers of our Time” by The Carnegie Foundation, and author of 25 books, including her...