Sep 26, 2022
There’s not much that can’t be automated these days. But in our quest for efficiency and cost-saving solutions, we’ve forgotten a very crucial aspect of business relationships: Human connection.
The days of the liquid lunch are long gone; deals are made through online exchanges -- not over a drink and some...
Sep 19, 2022
As a teenager, Darren Paltrowitz started writing for music publications in exchange for free albums and concert tickets. Having been at it for over 20 years, Darren has seen the music industry go through a lot of changes. One of the biggest changes has been how artists get paid. They used to tour in order to promote...
Sep 12, 2022
There’s no doubt about it, Airbnb’s have disrupted the real estate market. John Bianchi of Point Analytics says this new industry has made homes into a different asset class. John first got into the industry when he rented out an extra room in his house as a short term rental. When he found that he could cover his...
Sep 5, 2022
Struggling to read in the 5th grade, ST Rappaport went to tutor after tutor but still remained stuck. As a last resort, a cognitive function specialist was brought in. Not only did ST’s reading improve, so did her confidence, her productivity, and so much more. She was blown away by the success of rewiring her brain...