Feb 28, 2022
To allow businesses to prosper in the Age of AI and automation, every department in every firm must undergo its own digital transformation. Glenn has an extensive background in finance. He’s on the show to tell all accounting and finance professionals how to use analytics and artificial intelligence as basic tools in...
Feb 21, 2022
Bryon went from being a slave of time to being in charge of his own life. The journey was not without its setbacks. Nothing, however, could keep him from achieving his purpose. Rather than letting the difficulties dissuade him, he forged on, determined to get to where he is now.
Bryon Hough is the Chief Executive...
Feb 14, 2022
E-Commerce, NFTs, and Blockchains are some of the topics that are constantly front and center these days. It wasn't easy, but your hosts were able to locate someone competent in all three of these areas. Tim Thrush is on hand to share his expertise in this field.
Tim is the Head of Product and Delivery, NFT, and...
Feb 7, 2022
Stacy knows what it's like to be in the depths of despair. She had gained over 100 pounds, her marriage was in shambles, she lost her corporate position, and above all, she had a terrible relationship with herself a few years prior. Everything seemed to be coming apart at the seams. Things, however, did not stay the...